Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Harvest

The boys look forward to it all year. We started our pumpkins from seeds back in the spring. I even took a trip to HDepot to buy "grow lights." (Felt a little weird asking for those!) I installed them on our rarely used big dining table and within days, out popped the seedlings of Atlantic Giant, Long Island Cheese, Big White, Big Green and so on and so on. Well, today the day arrived. Their favorite part about growing "the world's largest" pumpkins. Harvesting and moving the treasures from out in their not-so-safe spot in the garden to their new home IN THEIR BEDROOMS. Yes, the boys sleep with zucchini, pumpkins, squash, large apples. If they could sleep with eggplants, tomatoes and beans, I'm sure those would be in there too. Not even I can let that slide! Here are some pictures from the harvest. Is there a more beautiful season than Fall? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Michelle & Luke said...

APRIL!!! i am all over this blog. I will not add it to my links list until you are ready (if ever) to go public. But with a web address like that (how clever) and the amount of cuteness in your family I do not know how you could NOT go public. DO IT. great start. love the quote of the day.