Friday, September 26, 2008

Quintessentially American...

Is there anything more American (other than apple pie) of a elementary school Jog-A-Thon? It's so fun being the beaming mom of the fastest boy/most endurance in the whole first grade. I'm so proud of my big man. He may not be the best at everything, or anything for that matter, but he will always be my little STUD!
Off to the park we go. Happy boys playing in the sand and water? Is there anything better than an empty park with a sand pit and water fountain? It was a perfect day, nicely overcast, high 60's and two healthy happy boys to make me laugh. Oh, nothing like ending the afternoon sittin' on the pot of the park restroom for an "I had to go poo a WHILE ago" failed attempt. Oh well. Lucky me to have our boys.

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